Thursday, June 13, 2013

E-Reader or Book

Using an e-reader over a book is also widely discussed. I know that I would rather have a book and turn the pages. That's just what my hands are comfortable with. Having an e-reader I also don't really mind. It is kind of convenient to hold and you don't have to keep turning pages; all you have to do is click a button or swipe the screen. Also, if you get a few droplets of water on a book, it will crinkle. If you get one on the screen of Nook, it can easily be wiped off. I think they are so convenient to have because if there is a new book coming out and you don't want to leave to go out and get it then you can just order it off your e-reader. Another plus to e-readers is that some can be used like a tablet. They have features like downloading games and magazines. You can use the internet and write in word document and upload pictures. So that's pretty cool. Again, even though having an e-reader is really cool and convenient, they are pretty expensive. It would be easier to just buy a $20 book once every few months than buy a $249.99 at one time and then not even having the money to buy a book on it. That may not be the same for most people but that's just how my life works. I do like books more though. It makes me feel accomplished each page I turn. Then when I close a book after finishing it I breathe out a deep breath of air as if I've been holding it in throughout the book. Not a 'thank God I finished' breath, more like a 'wow, I can't believe it's over' and then I just don't know what to do with myself. Yay books

1 comment:

  1. I agree with liking to have the actual book and turn the pages. i found that when i read i got less distracted when reading the actual book then with an e reader.
