Thursday, June 13, 2013

Favorite Author of the Moment

Cassandra Clare. At the moment, she is my favortie author. She wrote the series The Mortal Instruments which has five books and the prequel to that, The Infernal Devices. I started reading Thr Mortal Instruments back in 2011 when I had moved to Arizona. I didn't want to be there at all. I refused to acknowledge that I left Caldwell and moved completely across the country to Arizona. No worries though, I moved back about five months later. That period is what my friends and I call 'the lost Arizona months' but that 'it didn't happen'. Anyways, I refused to make friends or anything so I turned to reading and writing. I wrote a short story that I can't find anymore. But my mom knew I wasn't happy so we would take many trips to the nearest Barnes and Noble. I was in the teen fantasy section of course and saw a shiny book cover. So I read the back of it and asked my mom to get it for me. I started reading it in the store before we even bought it, and then in the car, then as soon as we got home I ran to my room and continued. Throughout those months (I tried to read them as slowly as possible) i read them during my workout, and dinner and out at places. There was also a little balcony outside so i sat out there often. Cut off from the world. I really pissed some people off.
I read the first four books of the series that were published at the time. I. Loved. Them. It baffled me that someone had such a crazy imagination or sick dream that led them to writing my favorite genre in a way I'd never read about before. Shadowhunters? Seraph blades? A country not on any mundane map called Idris? So amazing. I loved how the writing was in third person so I can read how each characters personality is by an unknown source that knows absolutely everything about everyones lives. I like how it was focused on one person mostly but we still heard about the other characters without it seeming like someone's opinion like if it was in first person. I don't know they were just amazing books. It wasn't too hard to read, again, because it's more of a teen book but i think everyone should read her books. Every one of you, go read Cassandra Clare's books.

E-Reader or Book

Using an e-reader over a book is also widely discussed. I know that I would rather have a book and turn the pages. That's just what my hands are comfortable with. Having an e-reader I also don't really mind. It is kind of convenient to hold and you don't have to keep turning pages; all you have to do is click a button or swipe the screen. Also, if you get a few droplets of water on a book, it will crinkle. If you get one on the screen of Nook, it can easily be wiped off. I think they are so convenient to have because if there is a new book coming out and you don't want to leave to go out and get it then you can just order it off your e-reader. Another plus to e-readers is that some can be used like a tablet. They have features like downloading games and magazines. You can use the internet and write in word document and upload pictures. So that's pretty cool. Again, even though having an e-reader is really cool and convenient, they are pretty expensive. It would be easier to just buy a $20 book once every few months than buy a $249.99 at one time and then not even having the money to buy a book on it. That may not be the same for most people but that's just how my life works. I do like books more though. It makes me feel accomplished each page I turn. Then when I close a book after finishing it I breathe out a deep breath of air as if I've been holding it in throughout the book. Not a 'thank God I finished' breath, more like a 'wow, I can't believe it's over' and then I just don't know what to do with myself. Yay books

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Something New

Junior year was when we were all told about a new English elective. Readers' Choice was brought to us for a chance to try it out. Everyone had a general idea of what it would be like. We all assumed it would be like a book club; we'd read books and talk about them. We weren't completely wrong, but we were not correct at all.
There is a lot of work. Most of it can be too much to handle. No one, literally no one, wants to read 150 pages for each reading checkpoint which could be in a week or it could be three days. Especially because it's reading for school, it feels so much worse. Books on books on project on project. I feel like the class could be better if it was less stressful. A few less books and way less projects. No senior or junior at this time of year wants to be doing this much work or can handle making sure everything gets in for this project on this book on this day.
No one saw this coming when they signed up...